Friday, October 29, 2010

The official Dingbat online strategy Game

The Official Dingbat online strategy game iiisss................................................. Evony!!! Lord Semaj and i both agree that it is the best online war/strategy game ever! If you want to find out why go to: It is definately a very addicting game. unless you have plenty of time on your hands dont get to addicted!

"Teddy Bear" Syrcle

Apparently, Teddy Bear was in Bio Class the other day and the teacher was showing an animation of the transfer of energy in plants. The lights were out, and Teddy Bear was in the back of the room masterbaiting! At the end of class, one of my classmates asked what he was doing during class and he replied, "My balls itched!" Everyone knows though, what he was actually doing. He ended up getting suspended for a couple of days...That is what you get for giving yourself pleasure during class! I think that when he gets back, everyone will either stay away, or tease him for a while...Teddy Bear...If you're reading this, then i should tell you now...wait until you get home next time! It isn't worth it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Low-gain is a wanna-be Dingbat who likes to try to bribe me and Semaj. We have told him that if he is to join he has to pay semaj and i $20.00 and he can then become the dingbat bitch.

Secrets of the dingbats

To all of you wanna be dingbats out there, there are secrets in the library of my school. If you find the right school, with the right library you can find a certain book that has a certain secret about the dingbats. it is highly prized amung us...this is one of the many clues i will give you to become a dingbat!!!!! so get out there and find the secrets of the dingbats!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

New dingbat

I, being as i changed my blog name and website searcher thingy i was instated as a dingbat yesterday. YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Finaly! Lord semaj has finally found me to be dorky enough to become a dingbat...or i had the "material" just the name of my blog was throwing my chances out the door....yeah, that's it.
                               see you next time on "my utterly stupid blog"